Right to education 2009 for children

Right to education  is a fundamental right
acoorded to article 21 A of the Indian constitution. Right to education provides free and compulsory education to all children of six to fourteen years. the right of children to free and compulsory education came into force from  1 Apr 2010 according to the act,  every child in the age group of 6-14 years will be provided 8 years of elementary education in an age appropriate classroom.

according to section 10 of RTE 2009 , children with disabilities will be also in the mainstream schools. the duty of the parents to ensure that their children go to schools without prescribing any punishment.

However,  the implementation of the act will be promise to ensure,  education for all children between 6 to 14 , would mean educating a whopping 22 crore children,  out of which nearly 11 crore are out of school.

The government would have to ensure that they are not compelled to work and provide school for them along with residential facilities to provide them with an appropriate environment to continue their education.

The National Commission for protection of child rights (NCPCR) has been mandated to monitor the implementation of this right.

It is most important for every person of country to nurture their children and young talent with the right education so that India emerges as a strong and prosperous country .


Milan Tomic

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